2024 Annual Conference: Professional Development

Friday, October 18th, 12:30 - 4:00 pm | Afternoon Session

Reflexive Readiness
Battalion Chief Corley Moore, Moore Fire Department (OK) & Firehouse Vigilance & The Weekly Scrap, Firefighter Podcast

Session Description
In the fire service we never know what call will be the call of our lifetime. There is no guarantee that the next fire we run on will be a run-of-the-mill one. Reflexive Readiness is all about learning the core concepts that will allow a person to build a culture of Unconscious competence.  So that when things are hard and changing and chaos is trying to rear its head, we can be ready, adaptable, confident and competent. 
No short class can turn someone into the ultimate fireground expert, but Reflexive Readiness provides the tools and a framework for beginning that journey. Starting on the premise that making decisions is simple when you understand your priorities, and then building from there. Just remember that simple does not mean easy!  The remainder of the class is then spent defining fireground tactical decision making, and how to best maximize each and every attendee fireground experience, training, situational awareness and their comfort level when making decisions.
I believe there is a massive need in the fire service to prepare those in decision making roles to be more decisive and deliberate on the modern fireground. To understand that decision making is based on understanding your priorities. When there is a clear understanding of this throughout an organization then you can operate at a very high level, and with intentionality. Experience, combined with training to maximize your situational awareness and enhance your comfort level. The keys to achieving this are outlined in this class. When things are hard and changing, nothing can replace a well prepared and decisive fireground commander.


Battalion Chief Corley Moore, Moore Fire Department (OK) & Firehouse Vigilance & The Weekly Scrap, Firefighter Podcast

Corley Moore is a motivational speaker and instructor, specializing in the topics of leadership and culture. Author of the books “Challenge Your Leadership,” “The 9L’s, Keys to High Performance Culture,” and Co-Author of his latest book, “Broken Tools” which is set to release January 2024. He is the founder of Firehouse Vigilance and its "Never Ending Fight Against Complacency". Creator of the “V50” and the Vigilant Creed with members in all fifty states and seven Countries. Host of The Weekly Scrap, a firefighter podcast where fire service leaders come on to discuss improving the culture of the modern fire service.
Corley has served in the Moore Fire Department since 1997, and currently holds the rank of Battalion Chief. He is in charge of the Green Shift, a collection of badass firefighters who consistently make him look good every day.