Minnesota Fire Chief MagazineThe Minnesota Fire Chief magazine is a seasonal periodical mailed out to members and subscribers quarterly. Members, Minnesota fire service representatives and certain levels of sponsors have the opportunity to become published by submitting photographs and articles for consideration in every issue. The magazine is a complimentary benefit for MSFCA members, but is also available by subscription:
Editorial Guidelines
Minnesota Fire Chief welcomes submissions for MSFCA members and non-members who have a story to tell or “how-to” information to share with Minnesota’s fire service leaders. The magazine’s editorial focus is education, and top priority is given to submissions that will help firefighters and department leaders learn something new. All submissions are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and are approved based on available space and content appropriateness. Minnesota Fire Chief will not consider submissions that:
All submissions will be edited for content and length at the sole discretion of the magazine editor. Due to space limitations, we cannot include all editorial submissions in print – even those that conform to guidelines. Content Submission Deadlines
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