Minnesota State Fire Chiefs Association FAST Team

1-800-422-0798 / 651-649-5451
TDD 1-800-627-3529 / 651-297-5353
"A tool for fire chiefs to use to help maintain and supplement the fire department in your community during a disaster."

Minnesota Fire Chiefs Assistance and Support Team Video


MSFCA's FAST Teams were developed as a result of the 1997 Red River flooding that occurred in Northwestern Minnesota. The devastation seen during that natural disaster, resulted in the need to provide support to the communities that were directly affected. In many of the requests, we found a need to reestablish, or sustain essential services like fire and police. The MSFCA saw this as an opportunity to assist its members and the Minnesota fire service. We have established a team of fire service professionals that can respond anywhere in the state when requested and help fire chiefs in Minnesota. The team can provide and "unaffected" assessment of the department's needs, help the local fire chief staff a 24-hour a day operation for an extended period of time, and find resources needed to help get the department up and running again.

When to call the FAST Team?
These teams have been developed by MSFCA to help the Minnesota fire service. Train derailments, floods, tornadoes, or any event that affects your ability to sustain pre-event fire protection levels may be the time to call for assistance. The FAST Team can provide an assessment of your capabilities, make recommendations, and find resources to provide pre-event service levels. Sometimes our firefighters need time to recuperate and rebuild their lives as well. The FAST Team is the tool to find the people to sustain day-to-day activities, while allowing your people time off to deal with their personal lives.

What can the team do for my fire department?
The team is a management tool made up of highly trained and experienced fire department professionals. They are from active fire departments in Minnesota and provide a wide variety of skilled backgrounds. The team is a supporting organization that can expand or contract its resources and staffing based on the request of the local fire chief.

What does the team work for?
The team is under the direction and control of the local fire chief that requests the team. The team works for local authorities and assists by providing a management structure to help coordinate resources needed to regulate a situation.

Who pays for the team?
It is the intent of the MSFCA that a FAST Team will respond at no cost to the requesting agency, except that reimbursement may be applied for if local, state or federal funding is available as a result of the emergency or disaster. It is requested that meals and lodging be provided.

Who is responsible for workers compensation and liability insurance?
The sending jurisdiction maintains the workers compensation and liability insurance for the employees the same as if they were in their own jurisdication.

How long does it take to get a team?
Initial deployment for a FAST Team consists of 3-5 trained and experienced fire professionals with arrival on site within a reasonable amount of time.

How do I request a team?
The Minnesota Duty Officer is the single point of contact when requesting a team.
1-800-422-0798 / 651-649-5451
TDD 1-800-627-3529 / 651-297-5353

What happens when a team arrives on the scene?
When a team first arrives they will check in with the local fire chief and discuss what the team has to offer. The team will need some time to evaluate the incident and determine how they can help the local fire department. A "Request for Assistance" form will be completed by the team leader. This form will establish what the local authorities want the team to do, who the team reports to, and what the team has been asked to provide. This request for assistance form will be reviewed daily with the local fire chief and can be modified at any time.
Note: The FAST Team is there to support the local fire chief by supplementing the fire suppression services, not to replace existing fire protection services.

FAST Team Staff Functions

Team Leader
Point of contact for local fire chief, coordinates the activities of the team, works with the local jurisdiction on team assignments and coordinates activities and actions of the team. Keeps local fire chief and officials informed on team activities. The team leader is an active chief fire officer in the team's jurisdiction.

Team Administrative Support Person
Assists the team leader with documentation, clerical, and administrative issues. Helps the team leader by contacting and coordinating with other agencies and jurisdictions affected by the incident. Helps local authorities track and document financial obligations during a response. Keeps local authorities informed on the cost of team activities.

Operations Section
Helps local officials coordinate, track, and organize field response units.

Planning Section
Helps local authorities evaluate the impact on the local fire department. Evaluates the current situation and makes recommendations on what may be needed in the future to sustain fire protection services.

Logistics Section
Helps local authorities evaluate and determine current status of fire department; equipment, facilities, and supplies. Locates and acquires personnel, facilities, food, sheltering supplies, and ground support as determined by the team leader and local fire chief. Assists local authorities in establishing and maintaining a communications system.

Technical Support
Depending on the nature of the event, and types of services normally provided, a technical support person with the appropriate expertise will be with the team. The types of technical expertise available are EMS, confined space, technical rescue, hazardous materials, water rescue, multi-level structure fire response, rural fire fighting, etc.

The six positions identified above are the initial deployment. More staff positions can be added once the need has been established and the local fire chief concurs.

Other services that are available from the team when requested by the local fire chief include:

  • Evaluation of overall safety concerns for responders.
  • Additional firefighters.
  • Public information assistance.
  • Constant evaluation and tracking of incident.
  • Assistance in documentation of actions taken.
  • Assistance in coordinating with multiple agencies.
  • Assistance in obtaining additional resources.
  • Assistance in providing ground support for equipment.
  • Assistance in establishing and maintaining a system for feeding and hydrating responders and/or civilians.
  • Assistance in providing additional supplies and/or facilities for the department.
  • Assistance in tracking fire department personnel and equipment.
  • Organize resources to provide task orientated missions that will improve the effectiveness of the response.
  • Assistance in staffing and organizing a management system that can manage the incident.
  • Assistance in finding or repairing fire apparatus and equipment.
  • Assistance in helping firefighters restore their property.
  • Somebody to talk to that understands what your priorities are.
  • Somebody to give you a break, knowing that somebody is looking out for your best interest.
  • We can get you firefighters, officers, chiefs and any other resource you may need in order to maintain basic fire protection in your community.

Officer Cadre

These teams have been developed by MSFCA to help the Minnesota fire service. Train derailments, floods, tornadoes, or any event that affects your fire department’s ability to sustain pre-event fire protection levels may be the time to call for assistance. The FAST Team can provide an assessment of your capabilities, make recommendations, and find resources to provide pre-event service levels. Sometimes our firefighters need time to recuperate and rebuild their lives as well. The FAST Team is the tool to find the people to sustain day-to-day activities, while allowing your people time off to deal with their personal lives.

The MSFCA FAST Teams goal is to support fire department operations. For large or complex incident management, there are highly trained, nationally recognized incident management teams available through the Minnesota Duty Officer. These include the Minnesota Type 3 All-hazard Team and two MNICS Type 2 Incident Management Teams.

The team is made up of highly trained and experienced fire department Chief Officers. They are from active fire departments in Minnesota and provide a wide variety of skilled backgrounds. The team is a supporting organization that can expand or contract its resources and staffing based on the request of the local fire chief.

The team is under the direction and control of the local fire chief that requests the team. The team works for local authorities and assists by providing a management structure to help coordinate resources needed to regulate a situation.

It is the intent of the MSFCA that cost should not deter activation of a FAST Team. The requesting agency should arrange meals and lodging for the Team. The requesting organization will be responsible for all cost of the FAST Teams deployment. However, the FAST Team members’ home unit may choose to assume all or part of the deployment costs.

The MSFCA Emergency Management Committee is working to re-invigorate the FAST team program that has been ably served by Fire Chiefs of our Association. 

If you are interested in belonging to the MSFCA FAST Chief Officer cadre, contact Scott Gerber or Ulie Seal.

FAST Team Personnel Application
FAST Team Contact Sheet